Teachers from LIS receive prestigious awards in recognition of their awe-inspiring innovative approach to education.
With pride and joy Puan Fadlin Aimuni Binting, Principal of Labuan International School, and Madam Warnie Musah, beloved secondary teacher, gracefully accepted the National Outstanding Educator Award for primary and secondary categories respectively from the Private Education Cooperation of Malaysia (Educoop) at the Private Education Academic Excellence Awards 2019 which was held at the Menara Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday May 25, 2019.

During this memorable occasion our outstanding teachers were selected by a panel of accredited professionals as striking examples of excellent educators amongst a group of over 150 nominees from throughout the nation. Considering the invaluable contribution Puan Fadlin and Madam Warnie have made to the private education sector in Malaysia in terms of research, innovation, robotics as well as their students’ academic achievements in IGCSE, Checkpoint Primary and UPSR, it is no wonder our dear teachers were first in line to receive well-earned recognition of their efforts!
The vibrant event, held for the fifth year in conjunction with Teachers’ Day 2019, was attended by over 350 educators from more than 70 private education institutions. The 19 finalists, who were from preschool to university levels, were presented with awards for their academic distinction in the fields of teaching, science, arts and design, engineering, research and innovation, and humanities. Educoop Chairman, Dato’ R. Rajendran, encouraged all to come together to build a strong network with education at its heart. “Teaching must come from the heart with the aim of improving the lives of fellow Malaysians,” he said. How true! Echoing his words YBhg Datin Sri Hajah Nor Zamani binti Abdol Hamid, Director of the Private Education Division Ministry of Education Malaysia, emphasised the role of teachers in upholding the national interest and aiming to improve the quality and accessibility to education throughout our great country, which is needed now in this 21st century more than ever!
Regarding this terrifically memorable day, Puan Fadlin spoke of this award as ‘the most meaningful Teacher’s Day gift’ for all members of our family at LIS. Speaking of her confidence in our amazing teachers, Puan Fadlin reiterated her belief in the excellent educators we have at LIS. Madam Warnnie also thanked Mr Jaffree Ismail, CEO of LIS, who has always given his full unwavering support and an abundance of opportunities to facilitate the advancement of our teachers at LIS.
We are thrilled with the incredible accomplishment of our outstanding teachers here at LIS and, as we move onwards and upwards to the forefront of private and international education, let us all work together to be the light which guides the leaders of tomorrow.