As part of the school’s continuous effort in empowering parents and teachers to have a better relationship with their children, Labuan International School (LIS) recently organised a parenting workshop “Nurturing Stronger and Healthier Kids” for 65 parents and teachers. The workshop was conducted by Joyce Hue, a certified clinical hypnotherapist from Kuala Lumpur.
The 3-hour workshop provided the participants with an insight into the way children’s minds work and the different parent-child relationships. By understanding what type of parents they are, they learnt effective ways to communicate with children by applying the five love languages in daily life.
Parenting can be categorised into four styles: authoritarian parents, authoritative parents, permissive parents and disengaged parents. The workshop provided a few tips to help parents to connect with children better. The speaker also let the participants find out their love language. The 5 love languages of children are: physical touch, worlds of affirmation, quality time, gifts and acts of service.

Group Discussion

Joyce conducted various activities with the participants.

Group photo of batch 1 participants.

Group photos of batch 2 participants.