Labuan International School Robotic Teams emerged as the Champion of National Robotic Competition (NRC) - Labuan State Level held at Financial Park on 18 August 2017! LIS Robotic Team B and Team A bagged the First Placing and Second Placing in the Regular Pro Category of the NRC - State Level Robotic Competition among the 13 Teams from 4 Primary Schools in Labuan.

LIS Robotic Teams A & B with their guiding teachers Ms Warnnie Musah and Mr. Rahim Shah.
National Robotic Competition is a robotic competition organised by the Ministry of Education and SASBADI Sdn Bhd since 2005 for students aged 7 to 18 years old. The main objective of this competition is to increase the Primary School students' motivation to excel in Mathematics and Science and better prepare them for careers in Engineering, Computer Science and Education through hands-on learning experiences in building and programming robots. The theme for the competition this year is Sustainable Tourism.
Labuan International School was represented by 2 teams from Primary School. The First Prize winning team B consists of Standard/Year 5 students Walid Tawasil, Aleeya Marissa binti Mohamad Syazwuan and Anjana Natalie Menon while the Second Prize winning team A consists of Jade Zhi Ping Langshaw (Year 5), Faris Hakim bin Mohd Shukri (Standard 5) and Sultan Ghifari Wikramawardana (Year 4). The two teams received medals, certificates and cash voucher of RM500 and RM400 respectively.

The Champion Team B with Encik Hasbollah Amit from Department of Education Labuan
The School was very proud with the students' achievement. Puan Zainab Batin, the school principal congratulated the students and teachers Ms. Warnnie Musah and Mr. Rahim Shah for their endless effort in training the teams for the past weeks before the competition. The students worked closely with their teachers and aimed high to win the main prizes in the competition. "Nothing is impossible if the mind is willing" and this was proven with their achievement. The School thanked parents for their continuous support and trust in the school to educate their children particularly in most STEM Projects offered by LIS.

The 2nd Placing winner LIS Robotic Team A
The Champion will be competing at the National Level Robotic Competition (NROC 2017) in September 2017 at Kuala Lumpur.